Ceisiadau Cynllunio Planning Applications

Mae Cyngor Tref Pontyclun yn derbyn hysbysiadau gan Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol RhCT am geisiadau cynllunio yn ein hardal.

Ein polisi yw na fyddwn yn adolygu nac yn rhoi sylwadau ar y ceisiadau hyn oni bai bod preswylydd neu Aelod o’r Cyngor yn gofyn i ni wneud hynny.

 Mae gan wefan RhCT adran cynllunio a datblygu. Mae hwn i’w weld yma.

Yno fe welwch wybodaeth am geisiadau cynllunio yn RhCT a’r hyn y gallwch ei wneud os ydych yn dymuno gwneud sylwadau neu godi gwrthwynebiadau.

Bydd y ceisiadau cynllunio diweddar ar gyfer ein Cymuned i’w gweld isod ac os hoffech i’r Cyngor Cymuned adolygu un, cysylltwch â’r Clerc neu aelod lleol o’r Cyngor i amlinellu eich rhesymau. Mae holl fanylion y ceisiadau hyn i’w gweld ar wefan RhCT uchod.

Pontyclun Town Council receives notification from RCT CBC of planning applications within our area.

It is our policy that we will not review or comment on these applications unless requested to do so by a resident or Member of the Council.

The RCT website has a section devoted to planning and development. This can be found here. There you will find information about planning requests in RCT and what you can do if you wish to comment or raise objections.

The recent planning applications for our Community will be detailed below and if you wish the Community council to review one please contact the Clerk or local Council member to outline your reasons.

Details of these applications can be found at the RCT website above.

Cyfeirnod ReferenceDyddiad DateLleoliad
Manylion byr am y cais Brief details of application
24/0895/FUL4 Sep4 Talygarn Close, TalygarnRaise main ridge, Rear Dormer
24/0937/CPRO12 Sep6 Heol Isaf Hendy, MiskinFull width rear dormer loft conversion
24/0943/CPRO13 Sept8 Clos Ynysddu, PontyclunSingle storey rear extension
24/0944/FUL24 Sept42 Danybryn BrynsadlerRear Dormer roof extension for 2 bedrooms and bathroom
24/0152/CPRO18 OctHollyoaks, Peterson Rd , GroesfaenContinue to use adapted stables as one-bedroom unit of accommodation
24/1053/FUL18 Oct21 Rhyd-y-Nant, PontyclunGarage conversion into Pet grooming salon